THIS SERVICE aims to provide the patient best facility of physiotherapy in the comfort of their homes. Harsimran physiotherapy is a mobile physiotherapy which care for the bedridden patients or are housebound due to any reasons and are not able to visit the clinic and provide best care at [...]
admin2022-08-19T07:30:40+00:00TDN is an effective therapy to treat muscular tension and spasm which commonly accompanies conditions such as arthritis, nerve irritation, muscular strain, ligament strains and herniated discs. Trigger-point dry needling is a procedure where an acupuncture needle is inserted into the skin and muscle. It is aimed at myofascial [...]
admin2022-08-19T07:30:27+00:00EXERCISE THERAPY as the name suggests it constitutes the exercise regimen to achieve a specific therapeutic goal. Its purpose to restore normal function of the body and hence to reduce pain. These exercises with aim to treat patients are not the ordinary exercises, these are specially designed exercises to [...]
admin2022-08-19T07:28:38+00:00MANUAL THERAPY means treatment by hands. These manual therapy techniques are very subtle and require a higher precision and training to master it. Every condition have different manual therapy techniques that works best and gives the permanent results. Various manual therapy techniques involve MAITLAND MOBILIZATION MULLIGAN [...]
admin2022-08-19T07:34:55+00:00ELECTROTHERAPY MEANS application of physical agents for the purpose of treatment. Physical agents can range from heat, cold, radiations, electrical currents to diathermy. Electrotherapy is being used for the purpose of treatment since 100 years with immense results but in varied forms, now more advanced modalities are available with [...]
admin2022-08-19T07:29:16+00:00Expert Health Unit PREGNANCY is the most beautiful phase of women’s life. But during the different phase of pregnancy, women experiences varied form of problems like back ache, morning sickness, feet swelling, difficulty in breathing etc. To combat these issues physiotherapy is one of the best options. Experts [...]